Title: “Jangan Kira-masak, Just Follow Your Instinct: Do I Have to Specify the Cooking Times?”


Cooking is an art, a beautiful symphony of flavors and aromas that come together to create exquisite meals. As home cooks, we are often torn between following recipes to the letter or embracing our culinary intuition. One area where this dilemma commonly arises is in specifying cooking times. In this blog post, we will explore the question: do I have to specify cooking times? Get ready for a delightful journey into the realm of culinary creativity.


The kitchen is our playground, where we whisk, chop, and sauté our way to gastronomic bliss. While some swear by the preciseness of measuring cooking times, others prefer to rely on their senses. So, do you really have to stick to those rigid guidelines? Well, it depends.

While cooking times can be useful to give us a general idea of how long to cook a specific dish, they should not hold us back from exploring our creativity. Recipes are merely guides, not instruction manuals. Each stove, pot, and pan has its own quirks and idiosyncrasies. By adopting a more intuitive approach to cooking, we allow ourselves to adapt and experiment based on personal preferences.

Let’s take baking as an example. Sure, following the recommended oven temperature and baking time is crucial to achieve that perfectly moist cake or crispy bread. However, an experienced baker knows that factors such as altitude, humidity, and oven variations can greatly affect the cooking process. By understanding these variables, we can adjust the cooking times accordingly, ensuring scrumptious results every time.

When it comes to stovetop cooking, embracing our senses is key. The aromatic dance of sizzling onions and the siren-like sound of a searing steak tell us when it’s time to flip or add the next ingredient. No amount of rigid clock-watching can match the precision of our senses in the kitchen.

The beauty of cooking lies in the journey. It’s the joy of discovering your own unique style and preferences through trial and error. So go ahead, trust your instincts, and let your taste buds be the ultimate judge of your culinary creations.


In conclusion, while cooking times serve as helpful guidelines, they should not restrict your culinary prowess. Embracing your creativity and intuition in the kitchen is what sets you apart as a truly remarkable cook. So the next time you face a recipe that demands exact cooking times, remember to take a moment, trust your senses, and give your dishes the love they deserve.

FAQ Section

Q1: Why do recipes include cooking times if they can be flexible?

A1: Cooking times in recipes provide a baseline for beginners or those unfamiliar with a particular dish. They serve as a starting point, ensuring that the dish is cooked through and safe to consume. However, experienced cooks often find that adjusting cooking times based on personal preferences and kitchen variables results in more flavorful and customized meals.

Q2: How can I determine when a dish is cooked without relying solely on a timer?

A2: There are several visual and sensory cues to help determine the doneness of a dish. For example, testing the firmness of vegetables with a fork, observing color changes in meats, or checking if baked goods spring back when lightly touched. Trusting your senses, such as the aroma, sound, and look of the food, can guide you towards perfectly cooked results.

Q3: Are there any dishes where precise cooking times are necessary?

A3: Yes, there are certain dishes, particularly in baking or delicate techniques like sous vide, where precise cooking times are crucial. These methods rely on temperature control and exact cooking times to achieve specific results. However, even in these cases, experienced cooks often make adjustments based on their knowledge and personal preferences.

Q4: What can I do if a dish turns out undercooked or overcooked?

A4: It happens to the best of us! If a dish turns out undercooked, you can continue cooking it for a bit longer while monitoring its progress. On the other hand, if a dish becomes overcooked, find ways to salvage it, such as adding moisture or incorporating it into another recipe. Remember, mistakes in the kitchen are opportunities to learn and improve!

Q5: Should I completely ignore cooking times when following a recipe?

A5: Not necessarily. Cooking times in recipes serve as a starting point and are generally reliable. It’s always a good idea, especially for beginners, to start by following the recommended cooking times. As you gain experience and confidence in the kitchen, feel free to tweak the times based on your preferences and the unique conditions of your kitchen.

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the role cooking times play in your culinary journey, it’s time to unleash your inner chef and embrace your artistic freedom in the kitchen!

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