Common Acids and Their Uses

hydrofluoric acid fume hood malaysia

Acids are most widely known as a dangerous, corrosive substance that can kill just as much as it can help. It’s an understandable reputation to have considering the sheer amount of acid attacks that plague all parts of the world, usually carried out by heinously misogynistic men towards women. However, everything has its benefits and uses and acid is no different. A good example would be a hydrofluoric acid fume hood Malaysia which is very helpful for lab workers to carry out their everyday tasks. In light of this, let’s get acquainted with some of the most commonly used acids and their various uses.

What Are Acids?

hydrofluoric acid fumehood malaysia

Acids are a chemical compound that changes litmus paper from blue to red, has a pH balance from 1 to 7 and produces hydrogen ions when mixed with water. Acids can also neutralize alkalis (the opposite chemical compound of acid). Due to their different compositions, there are many different types of acids which has different purposes such as:

Hydrochloric Acid

Chlorine and hydrogen atoms are the main components this common laboratory acid is made of. The majority of global companies and academic laboratories regularly use hydrochloric acid. The primary applications for hydrochloric acids include the production of gelatin, PVC and various culinary additives and preservatives. Hydrochloric acid is also widely used in photographic, textile and rubber industries.

Sulphuric Acid

Since it is a crucial industrial chemical, most people refer to sulphuric acid as the king of chemicals. It is made out of two hydrogen atoms, one sulfur atom and four oxygen atoms. The production of batteries in various auto manufacturing businesses is among the major uses of this acid alongside the production of our everyday detergents. Additionally, several companies utilize it to make pigments and dyes, medications and even various fertilizers. Who said acid can’t become nutrients to living organisms?

Hydrofluoric Acid

The majority of companies, particularly those involved in processing and pharmaceuticals, frequently use hydrofluoric acid. It is made out of a hydrogen atom and a fluorine atom. One of the primary applications for hydrofluoric acid is the synthesis of various fluorine-based organic compounds to produce high-quality goods required in the making of air conditioners and freezers. It is much more crucial as an acid catalyst for cleaning silicon chip surfaces and processing oil. As mentioned above, hydrofluoric acid is also used in laboratories as fume hoods.

Nitric Acid

When considering the most common and frequently used acids and their applications, nitric acid is certainly on the list. This acid is formed by three oxygen atoms, three nitrogen atoms and three hydrogen atoms. Nitric acid is frequently used by processing businesses to create dyes, fertilizers, adhesives and furniture coatings. It can also be utilized to create pricey and high-quality fireworks and explosives like military grade TNT (trinitroglycerin).

hydrofluoric acid fume hood malaysia

Unbeknownst to most of us, acids play a vital role in our day to day lives. Though it’s still necessary for us to remain as careful as possible around this corrosive substance, remember that acids still have a ton of uses that benefit us every day.